Startseite Mediencorner Medienmitteilungen Swiss machine tool manufacturers with Swissmem in Moscow
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Swiss machine tool manufacturers with Swissmem in Moscow

On Monday Russia's most important machine tool fair opened in Moscow. Over 60 Swiss companies are attending the 10th METALLOOBRABOTKA in a Swiss hall organized by Swissmem.

In all, over 60 Swiss companies from the machine tool manufacturing, accessories, cutting tools and measuring equipment sectors will be on site. The 2,800 m2 Swiss hall is one of the major attractions at the fair, at which exhibitors from 27 nations will be occupying 29,500 m2 of the Expocentr Krasnaja Presnja. Switzerland was one of the four biggest suppliers of machine tools to Russia in 2007, with exports totalling over CHF 120 million. Last year there was another huge increase in the industry’s exports to Russia of nearly 40%. This put the growth rate in the high double-digit range for the third time in succession, and the trend looks set to continue. The first quarter of 2008 was the strongest in the last 15 years, with growth in excess of 60% compared to the same period in 2007. Although Russia is only the Swiss machine tool industry’s 11th biggest export market in absolute volume terms, it is exceptionally important in terms of its dynamics and potential. Given its volume of approx. CHF 700 million, it is theoretically capable of absorbing one fifth of Switzerland's total machine tool output. This year’s “Swiss day" will take place on Thursday, 29 May 2008. Not only will the Swiss ambassador Erwin Hofer be paying an official visit to the fair, Swissmem will be hosting a special tour of the fair for the rectors of Russia’s 15 biggest universities, thus giving them an opportunity to meet Swiss companies. That evening the Swiss ambassador will be holding a reception at his residence. Zurich, 28 May 2008 For further information please contact:

  • Christoph Blättler; Head of the Swissmem «Machine tools and manufacturing

technology» group (on site in Moscow) Mobile +41 (0)79 666 29 86 / E-mail: <link - mail></link>

  • Ruedi Christen, member of the Executive Board of Swissmem

and Head of Communications division Tel. +41 (0)44 384 48 50, mobile +41 (0)79 317 24 09 E-mail: <link></link>

Letzte Aktualisierung: 28.05.2008