Home Engagement Sustainability Climate Voluntary sector-wide solution for SF6
Contact Person Dr. Christine RothDr. Christine Roth
Head of Unit
+41 44 384 48 07 +41 44 384 48 07 c.rothnoSpam@swissmem.ch

Voluntary sector-wide solution for SF6

The greenhouse gas SF6 is used in various areas of the MEM industries. However, there is no equivalent substitute for most applications. Swissmem is coordinating a sector-wide solution that is recognized by the Federal Office of the Environment. Its aim is to reduce SF6 consumption and emissions to the lowest possible level.

Voluntary sector-wide solution for SF6

Voluntary sector-wide agreement for SF6(2 MB, pdf)
The aim of this voluntary sector-wide agreement is to restrict as far as possible emissions of SF6 by companies in the MEM industries and by electricity generating companies. (07/2023)

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Swiss voluntary agreement for the use of SF6 in electrical switching devices and switchgear(2 MB, pdf)
Emissions reduction guidelines for Swiss switchgear manufacturers and SF6 handlers (07/2023)

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Swiss voluntary agreement for the use of SF6 in Particle Beam Accelerators (1 MB, pdf)
Emissions reduction guidelines for Swiss operators of SF6 -containing particle beam accelerators(Electron and Proton Beam Accelerators) (07/2023)

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Last update: 08.08.2022