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Tech industry: Still no recovery; major risks
2024 was a disappointing year for the Swiss technology industry (mechanical and electrical…
Media release | 27.02.2025
Bilaterals III: Swissmem welcomes the conclusion of the negotiations – no gifts for trade unions
Swissmem has been in favour of the bilateral approach from the outset. The common understanding…
Media release | 19.12.2024
Tech industry: downturn continues
The situation in the Swiss tech industry (mechanical and electrical engineering industries and…
Media release | 19.11.2024
Free trade agreement between Switzerland and India
The free trade agreement between Switzerland and India will boost the competitiveness of Swiss…
Article | 29.10.2024
Swissmem holds regular events for women in the technology industry under the name “SwisswoMEMclub”.
Article | 02.10.2024
Technology industry recovery delayed
The Swiss technology industry (mechanical and electrical engineering industries and related…
Media release | 27.08.2024
Another franc appreciation shock – SNB and politicians called on to act
The Swiss franc has once again appreciated sharply against the euro since mid-July, threatening the…
Media release | 08.08.2024
Bilaterals III
The European market is by far the most important for the tech industry. That’s why Swissmem supports…
Article | 11.07.2024
NextGen Industry: Bilaterals III and the role of artificial intelligence – focus topics for the 17th Swissmem Industry Day
Over 1,000 executives attended the Swissmem Industry Day in Bern, where experts discussed the…
Article | 25.06.2024
Swissmem welcomes the clear YES to the Electricity Act
The association of the Swiss technology industry is pleased at the Swiss electorate’s clear approval…
Article | 09.06.2024
Bottom of the downturn in sight
The business situation in the Swiss tech industry (mechanical and electrical engineering industries…
Media release | 22.05.2024
Free trade agreement with India – huge opportunity for the Swiss tech industry
Swissmem welcomes the finalization of the free trade agreement (FTA) with India, which will…
Media release | 10.03.2024
Despite initial glimmers of hope: the dry spell in the tech industry continues
The Swiss technology industry (mechanical and electrical engineering and related technology sectors)…
Media release | 29.02.2024
Swiss Additive Manufacturing Group: "Best Thesis Award 2024"
Do you have a innovative idea in the field of additive manufacturing? This year, for the first time,…
Article | 27.02.2024
Artificial intelligence
In manufacturing, artificial intelligence is driving the development of new technologies and…
Article | 15.02.2024
Bilaterals III: Swissmem welcomes decision on negotiating position
Following significant progress in the exploratory discussions, the Federal Council today adopted its…
Media release | 15.12.2023
Technology Industry: The industrial recession has reached the technology industry
The downturn in the Swiss technology industry (mechanical and electrical engineering and related…
Media release | 16.11.2023
Swissmem supports key step to securing bilateral agreements
Swissmem welcomes today's decisions by the Federal Council: The completion of the exploratory…
Media release | 08.11.2023
Abolition of Swiss industrial tariffs: Exporters take note!
Switzerland is unilaterally abolishing the import tariffs on industrial products. However, Swiss…
Article | 06.11.2023
Technology industry: Dark clouds are gathering
The Swiss technology industry (mechanical and electrical engineering and related technology sectors)…
Media release | 29.08.2023
The collective employment agreement
The collective employment agreement for the MEM industries is a modern agreement yielding benefits…
Article | 01.07.2023
Securing the bilateral approach: Swissmem welcomes the Federal Council’s decision
The approval today of the main points of a negotiating position with the EU is a key stage in…
Media release | 21.06.2023
Climate protection: Swissmem member companies are international leaders in cutting scope 3 emissions
Swissmem’s member companies have already met the CO
reduction targets set for 2030. However, they…
Media release | 13.03.2023
Technology industry: better than feared and cautiously optimistic
The performance of the Swiss technology industry (mechanical and electrical engineering and related…
Media release | 01.03.2023
New Swissmem Executive Board members: Adam Gontarz from April 2023 and Noé Blancpain from 2024
Adam Gontarz and Noé Blancpain will be joining Swissmem’s Executive Board from 1 April 2023 and 1…
Media release | 28.02.2023
New industry sector for semiconductors (SEMI)
The semiconductor industry has long been a key economic sector on a global level, and Switzerland is…
News | 05.12.2022
The downturn has now reached the industrial sector
The situation in the Swiss mechanical and electrical engineering industries (MEM industries) is…
Media release | 17.11.2022
MEM industries: gratifying order situation – substantial risks
The Swiss mechanical and electrical engineering industries (MEM industries) continued to grow in the…
Media release | 30.08.2022
War in Ukraine
Russia’s attack on Ukraine has changed the political and security situation in Europe overnight.…
Article | 18.03.2022
Business with Russia – what happens now?
Companies themselves must check whether it is still possible to export and transport products, and…
Article | 14.03.2022
Exports to Russia: Swissmem answers questions from member companies
Switzerland supports the sanctions against Russia. Swissmem is providing affected member companies…
News | 03.03.2022
MEM industries: Strong recovery and a good outlook
Der Geschäftsgang in der Schweizer Maschinen-, Elektro- und Metall-Industrie (MEM-Industrie) hat…
Media release | 28.02.2022
With the rise in digitalization in industrial companies, the issue of cybersecurity is gaining in…
Article | 13.12.2021
MEM industries: strong demand but greater uncertainty
The vast majority of companies in the Swiss mechanical and electrical engineering industries (MEM…
Media release | 18.11.2021
Vocational education and training
Providing high-quality training for apprentices is an investment in the future of both your own…
Article | 15.11.2021
Someone who knows their own resources well can competently meet the diverse challenges of daily work…
Article | 15.11.2021
Procurement, Sales and Service
Any company looking to position itself successfully in the market puts its customers’ needs and…
Article | 15.11.2021
Project management
Swissmem Academy’s project management courses offer something for every level of knowledge: from the…
Article | 15.11.2021
Employee management and communication
Swissmem Academy’s course offerings on management topics are diverse, ranging from one-day seminars…
Article | 15.11.2021
MEM industries: significant improvement in business situation
The situation for the majority of companies in the Swiss mechanical and electrical engineering…
Media release | 24.08.2021
MEM industries: new orders above pre-crisis level
Figures for the first quarter of 2021 released by the Swiss mechanical and electrical engineering…
Media release | 20.05.2021
Staff development
Swissmem provides a wide range of training and courses, from seminars through courses and…
Article | 17.03.2021
Project «Air2030»: Cooperation between Swissmem and SyncFab to simplify processing of offset transactions
The manufacturers of the Swiss Armed Forces’ new fighter jet and the air defence system are required…
Media release | 25.01.2021
MEM industries: little evidence of an upturn on the horizon
The Swiss mechanical and electrical engineering industries (MEM industries) are experiencing an…
Media release | 12.11.2020
MEM industries: Massive drop in sales and new orders
The repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic have led to a massive decline in the mechanical and…
Media release | 26.08.2020
umati is on the way to becoming a global language throughout the mechanical and systems engineering…
Article | 03.08.2020
Labour law
Swissmem offers professional support in issues concerning labour law and employment relationships as…
Article | 27.05.2020
Human Resources
Swissmem supports companies with numerous services for successful employee management.
Article | 27.05.2020
Information regarding our training courses
It will probably be possible to resume classroom-based training events as of 8 June 2020. The…
News | 13.05.2020
Referral of products and services
New offer from Swissmem: Supply chains can be affected by unforeseeable events such as the…
News | 24.03.2020
MEM industries: market conditions remain very challenging
The Swiss mechanical and electrical engineering industries (MEM industries) are looking back at a…
Media release | 04.03.2020
The spread of the coronavirus in Europe and the first case in Switzerland are dominating the…
Article | 03.03.2020
Education and training policy
Swissmem actively campaigns for a high-performing education system at all levels.
Article | 28.02.2020
MEM industries: fears prove true
The downward trend in the Swiss mechanical and electrical engineering industries (MEM industries)…
Media release | 15.11.2019
MEM industries: cause for concern
The situation in the Swiss mechanical and electrical engineering industries (MEM industries) grew…
Media release | 28.08.2019
Swissmem brings the interests of the tech companies into the political process. The focus here is on…
Article | 25.07.2019
Eco-friendly production makes sense both environmentally and economically.
Article | 25.07.2019
Retraining initiative
MEM Gateway 4.0: The individual, tailored pathway to a new qualification.
Article | 19.07.2019
Vocational training
Swissmem’s vocational training school is your point of contact for all matters relating to basic…
Article | 18.07.2019
Reconciling work and family life
Women represent the largest unused pool of potential skilled labour for the MEM industries. Swissmem…
Article | 18.07.2019
Market-based solutions for working time arrangements
Flexible and liberal framework conditions for working time bolster companies’ international…
Article | 17.07.2019
Reintegration: Compasso can help.
Article | 17.07.2019
An equal day’s pay for an equal day’s work
Swissmem member companies are making equal pay a reality. In 2018, the wage gap between men and…
Article | 17.07.2019
Labour market and social policy
The liberal labour market is a key success factor for the Swiss economy. However, to offset this, a…
Article | 17.07.2019
Older employees
Generation 50-plus employees have a great deal of experience, knowledge and expertise. Swissmem…
Article | 17.07.2019
Norms & standards
Norms create uniform standards for objects and services.
Article | 17.07.2019
Economic policy
For the MEM industries, good economic policy conditions are a must. Without them, they will be…
Article | 17.07.2019
Security and armaments policy
To ensure its security and independence, Switzerland needs its own armed forces and security and…
Article | 17.07.2019
Securing the supply of raw materials
The MEM industries are heavily dependent on imported raw materials. Every business needs to have a…
Article | 17.07.2019
Monetary policy
Exchange rates are key indicators for the highly export-oriented MEM industries. They have an impact…
Article | 17.07.2019
Free trade
The export rate for the MEM industries stands at 80%. Swiss MEM companies thus rely on being able to…
Article | 16.07.2019
Social partnership
Social partnership has been a way of life for the tech industries since 1937. This benefits both…
Article | 16.07.2019
The innovative products and technologies of the tech industries are boosting energy and resource…
Article | 15.07.2019
Education is the key to the MEM industries’ success.
Article | 15.07.2019
Skilled labour
The most important resource? Your people. We help you build a successful team.
Article | 15.07.2019
Switzerland and neighbouring regions an industrial powerhouse
Switzerland and its immediate neighbour regions form a highly potent, cross-border production and…
Media release | 13.06.2019
Sideways business trend in the MEM industries
The economic slowdown in key markets for the Swiss mechanical and electrical engineering industries…
Media release | 14.05.2019
While the MEM industries need energy, they also deliver the technologies needed to increase energy…
Article | 19.03.2019
The adoption of digital technologies and concepts by the tech industry helps to increase efficiency…
Article | 18.03.2019
Innovative capacity is the deciding factor in whether a business in Switzerland’s industrial hub can…
Article | 04.12.2018
Last update: 17.11.2021