Home Association Swissmem Romandie
Contact Person  Philippe Cordonier Philippe Cordonier
Verantwortlicher Swissmem Romandie
+41 44 384 42 30 +41 44 384 42 30 p.cordoniernoSpam@swissmem.ch

Swissmem Romandie

The Lausanne office supports our Swissmem members in French-speaking Switzerland and represents their interests in relation to local and regional authorities, media and the wider business community.

The “Swissmem – Suisse romande” office maintains the link between the member companies in western Switzerland and the head office in Zurich. This ensures that Swissmem's clients in French-speaking Switzerland receive direct, intensive support and facilitates close, on-the-spot contact with the authorities, media and the wider business community.

The activities of Swissmem – Suisse romande are defined in close cooperation with the "ComitĂ© Romand", which consists of representatives of Swissmem member companies from the French-speaking part of Switzerland.  Swissmem Academy has been working with the training institutions CIP Tramelan and Cursus Formation Lausanne in French-speaking Switzerland since 2020.

Specialists in French-speaking Switzerland

Swissmem supports its member companies in French-speaking Switzerland with qualified specialists in the areas of employment law, innovation, training and personal development.

Furthermore, the Zurich office provides information and advice in Switzerland’s main three national languages.

Members of the Comité Romand (CR)

Wago Contact SADomdidierFrédéric Riva (Président)
3D Précision SADelémontDominique Beuchat
APCO Technologies SAAigleMme Aude Pugin
Bobst Mex SALausanneAlain Berger
CAAJChaux-de-FondsMme Corinne Quaranta
Caran d’Ache SAThônexMme Carole Hübscher
Ceff Centre de formation professionnelle BESt-ImierCĂ©dric Bassin
Composites Busch SAPorrentruy    Ahmet Muderris
Condis SARossensXavier Paternot
Constellium ValaisChippisLionel Thomas
DC Swiss SAMallerayClaude Sudan
Del West SARocheOlivier Conne
GreenGT SAEcublensJean-Luc Favre
LN Industries – SwissTubeChampagneDenys Kaba
Meili Technology SABexJoël L’Her
MPS MicroPrecision SABienneGrégoire Bagnoud
Nexans SACortaillodMarco Spinelli
Posalux SABienneRené Ronchetti
Steiger Participations SAVionnazPierre-Yves Bonvin
Swissmetal SAReconvilierJĂ©rĂ´me Chanton
Trimos SARenensPatrice Kemper
Willemin-Macodel SADelémontPatrick Haegeli
SwissmemZurichStefan Brupbacher (Directeur)
SwissmemZurichMme BĂ©atrice Martin-Flatin
Swissmem – Formation professionnelleWinterthurOlivier Habegger
Swissmem – Suisse romandeLausannePhilippe Cordonier (Secrétaire)

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The CR aims to guide the decisions made by Swissmem’s official bodies with a view to promoting French-speaking Switzerland, in line with the region’s mission.

The CR therefore performs an advisory role. In this role, the members of the CR should – wherever possible – be the first point of contact for any Swissmem decisions, ongoing and upcoming projects, and activities.

In particular, the CR may be consulted on the following subjects (list not exhaustive) relating to French-speaking Switzerland:

  • training policy and job promotion
  • acquiring new members
  • federal and cantonal political issues
  • promoting and defending the association, its members and the industrial activity
  • fostering innovation
  • defending economic interests specific to French-speaking Switzerland


Last update: 25.07.2019