
Compensation Fund

Home Services [Translate to English:] Sozialversicherung Compensation Fund
Contact Person  Damian Keller Damian Keller
+41 44 388 34 34 +41 44 388 34 34

The partner for social insurance in the MEM industries

The Swissmem Compensation Fund is the centre of excellence for social insurance matters within the Swiss mechanical and electrical engineering industries. We offer members a professional service with an attractive rate for administrative costs.

As a point of contact for first pillar matters, the Swissmem Compensation Fund gives advice to member companies on all associated questions. The Swissmem Compensation Fund is also the place to go with questions and concerns relating to employee postings to other countries, the wage figure to use for calculating contributions, or family allowances. For training courses, consultations and presentations, the Fund’s domain experts are also happy to make visits to company premises.

The Swissmem Compensation Fund is seizing the opportunities presented by digitalization and capitalizing rigorously on digital tools (connect & ALPS) in its exchanges with members. This allows for an efficient way of working on both sides and, ultimately, attractive rates for administrative costs.


Swissmem Compensation Fund

The competence centre for social insurance in the Swiss MEM industry.

To the website of the Compensation Fund

Events and training opportunities

    From 02.07.2024

    Professioneller Kundenkontakt

    Erfolgreicher Umgang mit Kunden für technische Fachkräfte, Servicetechniker und Monteure

    In diesem Seminar lernen Sie, mit Kunden auch in schwierigen Situationen professionell und freundlich zu kommunizieren.

    Details Professioneller Kundenkontakt
    From 13.08.2024

    Teamleiter/in Technik

    Das zweite Modul des Teamleiter/in Lehrgangs fokussiert auf die Bedürfnisse von Führungspersonen aus dem technischen Umfeld. Jetzt informieren und anmelden!

    Details Teamleiter/in Technik
    From 19.08.2024

    Teamleiter/in Advanced

    Für Absolventen des Teamleiter/in Zertifikatlehrgangs bietet die Swissmem Academy diesen Aufbaukurs zur Vertiefung von komplexen Führungsthemen an.

    Details Teamleiter/in Advanced
    From 19.08.2024


    Teamleiter/in Basis Modul

    Der ideale Kurs für einen gelungenen Einstieg in die erste Führungsfunktion.

    Details Fachvorgesetzte
    From 19.08.2024

    Chef-fe d'équipe

    Formation de base

    Posez la première pierre d'une carrière de dirigeant.e réussie. Inscrivez-vous et informez-vous dès maintenant !

    Details Chef-fe d'équipe

Any questions? We will be happy to advise you in person.

Become a member now.

Last update: 30.07.2019