
Coronavirus Crisis

Home Knowledge Coronavirus Crisis
Contact Person Dr. Stefan BrupbacherDr. Stefan Brupbacher
+41 44 384 41 11 +41 44 384 41 11 infonoSpam@swissmem.ch
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We can and want to help!

Switzerland is currently experiencing an exceptional situation. We must slow down the spread of the coronavirus. At the same time, the provision of the people in the country still has to be ensured. Our companies also have to survive this crisis so that people in Switzerland still have jobs and an income afterwards. Our industry can, should and wants to help overcome the crisis.

Switzerland is currently experiencing an exceptional situation. We must slow down the spread of the coronavirus. At the same time, the provision of the people in the country still has to be ensured. Our companies also have to survive this crisis so that people in Switzerland still have jobs and an income afterwards. Our industry can, should and wants to help overcome the crisis, but it can only do so if it can continue working.

Swissmem fully supports the Federal Council’s measures to protect the Swiss population and support the economy. The protection of employees is the top priority. The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) has issued clear guidelines, which are being implemented and enforced consistently at the industrial companies.

These companies make an essential contribution to the provision of the population in many different ways. They produce machines for the manufacture and processing of food, for life-saving equipment and instruments in the healthcare sector, and for a multitude of everyday goods. However, these machines and devices only work thanks to a large number of suppliers – from screw manufacturers to engine producers. They also need service technicians and engineers to keep all these devices and systems running This benefits everyone in Switzerland and in the areas affected around the world. 

We are all needed in order to get through this crisis. Our industry can, should and wants to help.

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+41 44 384 41 11 +41 44 384 41 11 info@swissmem.ch
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Last update: 27.02.2020