Home Media Corner Media Releases Swissmem welcomes the clear YES to the Electricity Act
Contact Person  Noé Blancpain Noé Blancpain
Head of Communications and Public Affairs
+41 44 384 48 65 +41 44 384 48 65 n.blancpainnoSpam@swissmem.ch

Swissmem welcomes the clear YES to the Electricity Act

The association of the Swiss technology industry is pleased at the Swiss electorate’s clear approval of the Electricity Act. It will make a key contribution to a secure, environmentally friendly and economically viable electricity supply, and the companies in the technology industry are counting on it. Swissmem supports the rapid expansion of all CO2-free electricity-generation technologies. However, further measures, such as lifting the ban on building new nuclear power plants and an electricity agreement with the EU, are needed.

The Swissmem member companies make a substantial contribution to reducing CO2 emissions with their innovative solutions. Thanks to the clear export orientation of the technology industry, this reduction has a global impact with regard to a climate-friendly future. However, ongoing decarbonization implies greater use of electricity. This in turn results in a dependency on imported electricity in winter. The Yes vote to the Electricity Act will increase domestic electricity production, in particular from solar energy, hydroelectric power and wind, which will help to avoid the risk of shortages in future.

The outcome of the vote indicates Switzerland's clear commitment to expanding renewable energies, which Swissmem supports. However, additional measures are needed in order to guarantee a secure, climate-neutral and economically viable electricity supply. Openness to various technologies is essential if nuclear power is also to be included in Switzerland’s future electricity mix.

Moreover, Switzerland needs a complete liberalization of the electricity market. Firstly as a prerequisite for an electricity agreement with the EU that will serve to secure network stability. And secondly because a liberalized electricity market drives innovation both at the technological and business model level.

For further information please contact: 

Noé Blancpain, Head of Communications and Public Affairs
Tel. +41 44 384 48 65 / mobile +41 78 748 61 63
E-mail n.blancpainnoSpam@swissmem.ch 

Philippe Cordonier, Head of Swissmem Romandie
Tel. +41 44 384 42 30 / mobile +41 79 644 46 77
E-mail p.cordoniernoSpam@swissmem.ch 

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Last update: 09.06.2024