
The Swiss Tech industries

Home Engagement The Swiss Tech industries
Contact Person Dr. Jean-Philippe KohlDr. Jean-Philippe Kohl
Head of Economic Policy / Deputy Director
+41 44 384 48 15 +41 44 384 48 15 j.kohlnoSpam@swissmem.ch

Solution provider for the challenges of our time

The Swiss technology industry is providing the solutions to the challenges of our time. Based on the mechanical and electrical engineering ("MEM") industries, it nowadays includes all future-oriented technology fields such as sensors, photonics, robotics, additive manufacturing and industrial ICT. It works every day to make Switzerland and the rest of the world safer, more environmentally friendly, healthier and more prosperous – in other words, a better place – by means of technological solutions.

With great innovative capacity and creative energy, the companies in the technology industry develop solutions to the challenges of our age – whether dealing with climate change, sustainable mobility, innovations in medical technology and food production, or resource-efficient power generation and use.

Having emerged from the tradition-steeped MEM industries, the Swiss technology industry now employs 320,000 workers in Switzerland and another 560,000 people around the world. It consists mainly of SMEs and  trains around 20,000 young people in Switzerland to professional standards. The companies export 80% of their products and services. When it comes to high-tech, precision and quality, many Swiss companies are among the world leaders in their niche markets.

Did you know that… the MEM industries employ around 320,000 people in Switzerland?

Next-level skills – vocational training for the future
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Last update: 22.02.2019