
Industry statistics

Home Advice Industry statistics
Contact Person  Nicolas Stephan Nicolas Stephan
Head of Unit
+41 44 384 48 40 +41 44 384 48 40 n.stephannoSpam@swissmem.ch

Statistics as a management tool

Swissmem captures a wide array of industry figures and makes them available to both businesses and the general public. Inside businesses, these can be used as a basis for strategic decisions by senior managers or boards of directors.

Our services

  • Collecting product-related market data (national and international)
  • Providing a regular, in-depth presentation of the situation and prospects in the Swiss tech industry
  • Annual publication with detailed industry figures
  • Company-specific data collection relating to customer industries and exports

The benefits to you

  • Resource for management
  • Basis for strategic deliberations
  • Basis for operational decisions
«Swissmem’s statistics on new orders and sales give me up-to-date information on how the industry is developing. This quarterly dashboard helps me in my decision-making.»

Claude Sudan, CFO

Events and training opportunities

    From 24.02.2025

    Schulung Exportkontrolle

    Diese Schulung vermittelt ein vertieftes Grundwissen zur betriebsrelevanten Exportkontrolle und bietet Mitarbeitern Hilfestellungen bei der Implementierung im eigenen Betrieb.

    Details Schulung Exportkontrolle
    From 01.04.2025

    Basiskurs fĂĽr Umweltbeauftragte

    Richtig eingefĂĽhrtes systematisches Umweltmanagement lohnt sich

    Der Basiskurs fĂĽr Umweltbeauftragte vermittelt ein umfassendes Grundwissen zum betriebsrelevanten Umweltschutz.

    Details Basiskurs fĂĽr Umweltbeauftragte
    08.09.2025 – 26.11.2025

    Customs and Trade Compliance Manager

    Hybrider Praxislehrgang

    Praxisorientierter Lehrgang, mit Fokus auf Aussenhandel, Export-Import-Prozesse und Zollabwicklung.

    Details Customs and Trade Compliance Manager

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Contact us, we will be happy to advise you.

Nicolas Stephan
Head of Unit
+41 44 384 48 40 +41 44 384 48 40 n.stephan@swissmem.ch E-Mail
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Last update: 26.06.2019