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Contact Person Dr. Christine RothDr. Christine Roth
Head of Unit
+41 44 384 48 07 +41 44 384 48 07
[Translate to English:] Positionspapier

Positionspapier «Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit»


Commitment to the environment and society

Switzerland's mechanical and electrical engineering industries (tech industries) create innovative products and technologies and thus make a significant contribution to sustainable business.

In order to achieve the targets set by the UN's 2030 Agenda, we will need new technical solutions for every area of our lives. The Swiss mechanical and electrical engineering industries (tech industries) are playing a crucial role in this work. With their energy- and resource-efficient products, they are helping to reduce greenhouse gases worldwide. Moreover, the tech industries are constantly optimizing their production processes. For example, Swissmem's member companies have reduced their CO2 emissions by a significant 55% since 1990.

Swissmem is committed to environmentally-friendly industrial production and responsible and efficient use of natural resources. At the same time, it advocates market economy principles and corporate accountability. Furthermore, Swissmem also takes its social responsibility seriously and, as part of its skilled worker strategy, implements a range of measures and training offerings to help develop young talent, create a better balance between work and family life, and support older workers.


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Our services in this area

Energy and resource efficiency

Swissmem helps businesses to exploit areas of potential for enhancing energy and material efficiency.

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Financing for SMEs

Swissmem has well-established contacts with banks.

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Industry statistics

Swissmem collects and regularly publishes industry key figures.

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Swissmem’s innovation consultants help companies with innovation projects.

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Swissmem brings the interests of the MEM companies into the political process. The focus here is on labour market, foreign trade, social security, energy and environmental policy.

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Short consultation sustainability

Swissmem helps companies achieve their environmental objectives.

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Staff and organizational development

Staff and organizational development are closely linked topics. That’s why we take a holistic approach to our concepts and solutions in this area.

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Events and training opportunities

Last update: 15.07.2019