

Home Representation of interests Policy
Contact Person Dr. Stefan BrupbacherDr. Stefan Brupbacher
+41 44 384 41 11 +41 44 384 41 11 s.brupbachernoSpam@swissmem.ch

Policies dictate framework conditions

Swissmem gives the MEM industries a strong voice in the political arena and, wherever relevant, brings companies’ interests into the political process. The association systematically monitors industry-related legislative developments.

Many companies in the Swiss MEM industries are among the worldwide leaders in their markets. A crucial factor in this success is a favourable economic policy environment in Switzerland. Swissmem campaigns to bring this about.

At the heart of Swissmem’s political work is draft legislation in the areas of labour market, foreign trade, social security, energy and environmental policy. As part of this work, Swissmem participates in consultation processes, monitors the entire parliamentary process, gets involved with campaigns to shape public opinion, and runs referendum campaigns.

The value of Swissmem’s political work is almost impossible to quantify in monetary terms. Nonetheless, the benefit to businesses is extremely long-lasting, as only through this commitment can entrepreneurial freedom be preserved and costly, undesirable political developments be prevented.

Our services

  • Introducing industry concerns into the political process wherever relevant
  • Regular exchanges with members of parliament on industry-relevant topics
  • Maintaining contact with the Federal Council and leading representatives of the federal administration
  • Participating in significant extra-parliamentary federal commissions
  • Participating in all consultation processes relating to industry-relevant bills
  • Running proprietary campaigns in the case of industry-relevant votes
  • Supporting the campaigns of umbrella organizations economiesuisse and SAV on economic policy bills
  • Active media work aimed at raising public awareness of industry concerns
  • On- and offline campaigning on relevant topics
  • Representation of interests at European level through membership of European industry umbrella associations ( Orgalim, CEEMET).

The benefits to you

  • The best possible framework conditions for your business.
  • The certainty that all industry-relevant proposed legislation will be monitored professionally with an eye to the interests of industry.
  • Active involvement of Swissmem in relevant referendum campaigns.
  • Opportunities to bring your political interests into the political process through your involvement with the association.
  • Active placement of political concerns relating to your industry in online and offline media.
  • Access to information on current legislative developments within the EU (e.g. the Machinery Directive).

Events and training opportunities

    08.09.2025 – 26.11.2025

    Customs and Trade Compliance Manager

    Hybrider Praxislehrgang

    Praxisorientierter Lehrgang, mit Fokus auf Aussenhandel, Export-Import-Prozesse und Zollabwicklung.

    Details Customs and Trade Compliance Manager
    From 28.10.2025

    Schulung Exportkontrolle

    Diese Schulung vermittelt ein vertieftes Grundwissen zur betriebsrelevanten Exportkontrolle und bietet Mitarbeitern Hilfestellungen bei der Implementierung im eigenen Betrieb.

    Details Schulung Exportkontrolle

Our services in this area

Representation of interests

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Experience-sharing groups – exchanges of expertise with peers

Swissmem runs experience-sharing groups in the fields of labour law, communication and the EU…

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Industry statistics

Swissmem collects and regularly publishes industry key figures.

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Last update: 24.07.2019