
Older employees

Contact Person  Kareen Vaisbrot Kareen Vaisbrot
Head of Division
+41 44 384 42 03 +41 44 384 42 03 k.vaisbrotnoSpam@swissmem.ch

An important resource for businesses

Generation 50-plus employees have a great deal of experience, knowledge and expertise. High employability of older employees and a successful in-house generation management programme are important factors in ensuring that businesses have access to enough skilled workers, both now and in the future. Swissmem works on a number of levels to help ensure that older employees’ potential can be fully utilized and their knowledge passed along.

Offers on this topic

MEM Passerelle 4.0

The MEM Passerelle develops offerings for an individual, adult-focused entry into the MEM industries. On the one hand it is geared towards experienced, technically oriented professionals, and on the other towards businesses keen to develop qualified career changers in a needs-based and individual way in line with the requirements of the industry. The MEM Passerelle is a project by the social partners of the MEM industries’ collective employment agreement (GAV). It was launched by Swissmem and, since the end of 2020, has been implemented by the jointly founded “MEM Passerelle 4.0 AG”.

Find out more at mem-passerelle.ch (in German)

Benchmark Diversity

Together with the University of St. Gallen, specifically the Competence Centre for Diversity & Inclusion (CCDI), from 2022 Swissmem will be establishing a benchmark on the topic of diversity for the MEM industries.

By taking part in benchmarking, managers not only gain an overview of their current situation, but also recommendations for action tailored to the situation in the business to improve the recruitment process and sustainably support qualified workers.

Find out more about «Benchmark Diversity»


The new «focus50plus» network promises to become a valuable addition to Swissmem’s activities. It is sponsored by the Swiss Employers Confederation (SAV) and supports businesses in sustainably and successfully utilizing the labour potential of individuals in the 50-plus age bracket with the help of a sophisticated and future-oriented generation management framework. At the same time, «focus50plus» is dedicated to ensuring optimal political, legal and economic framework conditions to support the leeway required for flexible and innovative work models in business.

Find out more about the «focus50plus» network (in German, French, Italian)

Swissmem services on the topic of older employees

«PowerMEM©» toolbox

PowerMEM© is an electronic reference work developed by Swissmem and experienced HR managers at…

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The collective employment agreement

The collective employment agreement for the MEM industries is a modern agreement yielding benefits…

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Courses and training events

The Swissmem Academy and Swissmem’s specialist areas offer a wide range of courses. Choose the right…

Learn more at swissmem-academy.ch

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Last update: 17.07.2019